Music Amalgamation

Music Amalgamation reviews music from every genre you can think of. Trying to keep you abreast on a variety of artists that maintain some sort of expression. Updated biweekly on an irregular basis.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

SEO spelling errors?

I was reading about how spelling effects your SEO the other day at And the writer is talking about how misspelled search words can make you a mint. But more importantly he said that 10 percent of all search queries are misspelled. And said that most people who misspell do not use the suggested spelling, I am assuming that is because they see the information on the search page before they see the spelling suggestion? I know when I misspell words and I always use the suggested spelling. I asked a couple of people what they do however and the pretty much agreed they don't use it and that they misspell a lot of stuff. Another thing I noticed about this particular article(besides intentional misspellings) was that the copy was weird, like strange and hard to understand. Is this an SEO trick? Or was the copy just funny. So he offers a typo generator which I am going to discuss in the next SEO post.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Expand your horizons

Check out this macedonian music. Particularly Lektira.

Friday, April 4, 2008

At 5:18 in the morning

When you can't put the bottle down, and you are feeling sorry for yourself, blue October is the best(worst) band in the world.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So I have always been a 24 hour revenge therapy fan, but right now Dear You made it into my cd player(after another few days of mickey avalon), anyway this album is the shit. But I am done with the godfather of emo in my player I want to move on to something else. Remember that Dear You is after the throat polyps and and where Jets to Brazil fit in god only knows. So what am I switching to who knows, but if you have already turned down jawbreaker because you think emo is just dashboard and chemical romance you need a fuckin schoolin.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Richard Hell and The Voidoids

Looking for some classic pioneering punk, then go no further than Richard Hell and the Voidiods. Blank Generation is in my cd player right now, and Television's Moonlight Marquee is ridding backup. Why some much Hell? Because Richard is one sexy dude. But really listen to it just for some background on early punk. Enjoy track 9 "New Pleasure" and tell me you don't hear something that Tim Kasher probably heard you know pre Happy Hollow.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Driving music

The Quest for driving music has become Epic. Also my room mate and I like each other's music (he is mostly a rap guy). But we haven't found our, we both love this shit groove yet. For me an appreciater of everything from Country to HipHop, this is always achievable. I think his achilles heel might be his secret love for techno. I think I might try to knock this problem out with a little squarepusher tonight.

Ok chicks on speed a no go

So the new album is more poppy then all the other albums and at the same time all the lyrics are anti pop. So I guess I am saying this album confuses me and still does not defeat 91.1.